Adam Fisher of Bessemer Venture Partners actively promotes Israel's genocidal agenda

Adam Fisher of Bessemer Venture Partners actively promotes Israel's genocidal agenda

Adam Fisher, is the head of the Israel office of Bessemer Venture Partners, and plays a prominent role in coordinating pro-Israel activities in Silicon Valley and beyond. Judging by his X profile, he does little else.

Adam has been adamant throughout Israel's war on Gaza that it respond disproportionately to the October 7th attacks. As if speaking on behalf of the many Israeli government officials who have advocated for genocide, he continues to demand an “unprecedented response” and push for the IDF to “pound Gaza” and “lash out” even as the IDF has killed close to 30,000 Palestinians and displaced 2 million people in Gaza in the last 90 days.

While the Israeli army was busy massacring civilians in the thousands, Adam felt it was appropriate to question their deaths, or refer to data sources that were purposely misquoted despite the source making that clear on multiple occasions.

And what’s a pro-Israel hack without a bout of Islamophobia? Fisher here paints all Muslims with the brush of a single cleric while simultaneously crying bigotry and claiming that one of the most influential figures in Israeli politics today does not represent Israeli society.

Adam has played the role of liaison between Silicon Valley and the Israeli government and served as an outlet for its misinformation. He has excelled at parroting multiple stories that were later debunked but on which much of the premise of the war on Gaza was built. Everything from beheaded and baked babies, to mass rapes and command centers in hospitals – he pushed it all. No propaganda was cheap enough for Adam to resist.  

This is no surprise given Adam’s close collaboration with the IDF when in November, in coordination with the IDF, Adam gave a presentation on how US “tech leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs,” could help the IDF win the “information war” on social media. He emphasized strategies such as "criticizing and ridiculing" Twitter users sympathetic to Palestinians.

Fisher's presentation revealed the close collaboration between tech executives and the IDF in shaping pro-Israel narratives online. The efforts extend beyond social media to include pressuring online marketplaces, supporting automated tools to remove pro-Palestinian content, and attempts to influence media coverage. 

What is clear is that Fisher and other intellectuals like him are part and parcel of Israel’s war propaganda efforts and as such, key enablers of the genocide being committed by its army.

Given the mass attrocities that have been thus far committed, the growing calls for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza by Israeli leaders and the clear case of genocide as presented by South Africa to the ICJ, it is ever more incumbent on all of us to clearly call out and hold accountable individuals like Adam, his supporters and enablers who, by aiding and abetting Israel's propaganda efforts, are just as complicit in the genocide taking place.